Gone those days, when the programmers were needed to use a system which were of size of a building to execute a simple c program, which got reduced to a desktop and then to laptop. Now is the trend of mobile so why to get limited to desktops or laptops in order to compile or debug your c or c++ programs. Thanks to Nokia for coming up with the n900 tablet which allow us to use it as almost a mini PC, which has almost the configuration of my 5 year old PC. Being a student, i was using this for compiling and debugging c programs. Using this i was able to code everywhere, even while i was traveling, it helped me to keep up with my programs, but only problem i was facing was, every time i need to switching between the terminal and editor mode, finally wanted to over come this myself and finally ended up developing my own editor edicom. Thanks for all my professors and Nokia people who made this possible.
what it this edicom anyway?
edicom (editor with compiler) is a editor which interfaces the existing gcc,g++ and gdb, specially designed for n900, to allow the user to compile, debug and execute the program in a single editor environment without switching between the editor and terminal mode. As it interfaces the existing gcc,g++ and gdb, you can enjoy almost all the options that are present in the existing compiler and debugger, and it does not take much of space on the tablet.
The following video shows the edicom running on n900
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